War waged against Pope Francis in the heart of Vatican - whistleblower. RT on May 13, 2016 Europe’s smallest country - the Vatican, led by the pontiff - is one of the most powerful states on the planet …More
War waged against Pope Francis in the heart of Vatican - whistleblower.

RT on May 13, 2016 Europe’s smallest country - the Vatican, led by the pontiff - is one of the most powerful states on the planet, a moral compass for more than a billion people. However, over the past decades, the Catholic Church has suffered a number of scandals and its congregations are crying out for change. Pope Francis came with the promise of change. For centuries, the Vatican has been shrouded in mystery, its internal deals secreted behind closed doors. However, one person managed to get through and came back to tell his story. Investigative journalist, author of ‘Merchants in the Temple’, Gianluigi Nuzzi, is on Sophie&Co today.
This report is all about money. Francis is a 'revolutionary' because he is battling 'thieves' [money interests] in the Vatican? Yeah sure. Like one fallen away friend tells me about his opinion of the real essence of the Church - "It's all a business!" No discussion of the destruction of the faith. Remember: "You cannot serve God and mammon"
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2016 War waged against Pope Francis in the heart of Vatican - whistleblower
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